The Vietnam Veterans National Memorial
In Angel Fire, New Mexico
This Memorial is located in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo mountain range in Northern New
Mexico. The Memorial was originally constructed by the family of Dr. Victor Westphall, whose son,
David, was killed in a 1968 enemy ambush in Vietnam. It was maintained by the Disabled
American Veterans (DAV); but, on November 9, 1998, ownership was transferred to the
David Westphall Veterans Foundation.
Story and pictures submitted
by Steve Stickley from the Veterans Day Gathering at Angel Fire, 1996. Mystical things do
happen and the healing begins.
Pictures and stories from the 1996 Memorial Day Weekend at Angel Fire. The picture gallery
will be added shortly. Ed St. Clair wrote this moving piece
"Angel Fire 96" following his visit and meeting with his friends.
On 3-4 June, 1995, 17 members of VWAR-L , an internet-based
forum consisting of Veterans, family, and friends, met at the Angel Fire Memorial to
specifically honor three fallen comrades. The two sections following are tributes made
during the ceremonies.
Here is Mary Garvey's beautiful song "Angel Fire" which
she wrote and sang at the gathering
Dennis Koho's "Brothers" describes the feeling and
compassion of the Angel Fire Memorial
John Rossie's moving opening and
closing remarks to the gathering of the clan at the 1st Annual VWAR pilgrimage to
Angel Fire.
Michael "V-man" Viehman's dedication poem, "The Others."
V-man read this poem during closing ceremonies at the 1st Annual VWAR gathering
at Angel Fire, 3-4 June, 1995.
Read about John Rossie's winter trip to Angel Fire Here
These photographs were contributed by LtCol. Ed Miller, USMC (retired) and John Rossie.

Soon to be added: Background on the Angel Fire Memorial and Maps.
Revised 11-30-98 by DGSH