> > The Wall on the Web < <


Note: This section is way out of date and has not been updated.

It is being kept here for historical purposes and to provide a readable listing of casualties in alphabetical order. It was originally developed by the former Vietnam Veterans Home Page Platoon Guide, Chris Shepard, as an interim capability pending the development and fielding of a fully-searchable database.

The site that it was linked to for detailed information on each casualty is not longer online.

There are several fully-searchable sites that are kept up to date, and where detailed information on each casualty is available.
The original and best maintained is "The Virtual Wall" started by Jim "Polecat" Schueckler and run by his outstanding staff of volunteers.

This data was taken from files prepared by Tom Holloway, without whose efforts this page would not be possible.

The names of persons on "the Wall" are broken down into 26 files, based on the initials of the last name. Click on the initial you'd like to view.

Notify us at: [email protected] if you find any technical problems with the pages themselves (not the data therein).

A (1780 names - 239023 bytes)
B (5502 names - 737972 bytes)
C (4363 names - 586584 bytes)
D (2790 names - 374290 bytes)
E (1082 names - 144866 bytes)
F (1979 names - 265759 bytes)
G (3036 names - 407075 bytes)
H (4463 names - 598834 bytes)
I (218 names - 29278 bytes)
J (1845 names - 247563 bytes)
K (2039 names - 273818 bytes)
L (2594 names - 347007 bytes)
M (5535 names - 746233 bytes)
N (991 names - 133156 bytes)
O (823 names - 110441 bytes)
P (2883 names - 387095 bytes)
Q (117 names - 15780 bytes)
R (3022 names - 405468 bytes)
S (5782 names - 778012 bytes)
T (2128 names - 285975 bytes)
U (154 names - 20698 bytes)
V (764 names - 103173 bytes)
W (3750 names - 503168 bytes)
X (1 name - 227 bytes)
Y (308 names - 41336 bytes)
Z (217 names - 29131 bytes)

A big "Welcome Home!" from yours truly to all my fellow Nammies.

(signed): Chris Shepard.
Platoon Guide, Vietnam Veterans Home Page platoon.