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PX Bookshelf

EDITOR'S NOTE: Please be sure to write the title of the book you are ordering on your check or money order, as some of our authors have more than one submission on the "Bookshelf." Also, please Bookmark where you are as some links take you off this Site. Thank you.

Revised 9/10/02 - JPR

A Certain Brotherhood

By Colonel Jimmie H. Butler, USAF (Ret.)

Jimmie H. Butler, Colonel, USAF, Retired, flew 240 missions as a Nail FAC in O-1s and O-2s in the Vietnam War. His combat decorations include the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Air Medal with sixteen, oak-leaf clusters.

Since retiring from active duty, he has published two highly successful technothrillers. His first novel, "The Iskra Incident," earned the 1991 "Award of Excellence for Aviation Fiction" from the Aviation/Space Writers Association. "Red Lightning-Black Thunder," a thriller involving space warfare, was crafted from his experience as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force Space Division and as a pilot on worldwide missions in C-141 jet transports.

While at the Air War College, he wrote a book-length report, "Crickets on a Steel Tiger: The Interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, 1966-1968." It earned the Air Force Historical Foundation's 1980 Award for the best aerospace report of major historical interest.

A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy Class of 1963, he resides in Colorado Springs where he established the Pikes Peak Writers Conference in 1993.

Ordering Information:

Autographed copies of "A Certain Brotherhood" (ISBN 0-9655396-0-1) are available from Cricket Press in trade paperback (approximately 350 pages/illustrated) for $12.99 ($9.99, plus $3.00 for postage/handling).

Colorado residents: please add sales tax.

Please make check/money order payable to: Cricket Press.

And mail to:

6660 Delmonico Drive, D-215
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

"Jimmie Butler focused on the bond between fighting men during the Vietnam War and may have said something profound about all warriors, everywhere. This is a damn good book. I highly recommend 'A Certain Brotherhood.'"

--Stephen Coonts, "New York Times" Bestselling Author of
--"The Flight of the Intruder."

"While I was hugging the ground in a few heavy firefights and you FAC folks arrived on station, I was certain you had to be crazy to fly in one of those Buddy Holly specials, let alone play target for even the worst of NVA and Viet Cong gunners. That took guts; and more than that, it took dedication. Duty, honor, and country does matter; and when it is expressed in a talented articulate voice, it makes us all stand a little taller."

--Kregg P.J. Jorgenson, Senior Editor,
--"Behind The Lines Magazine,"
--US Army Ranger in Southeast Asia.

"I've only read the first five chapters of 'A Certain Brotherhood,' but I can already tell that this is a truly great book that captures what it was really like to fly and fight in Southeast Asia. ...it is important to remember the feelings we had at the time and to remember the friends that did not live to remember. It is also important to try to share those feelings with the next generation of Air Force fliers. I hope a lot of them read this book."

--Drue L. DeBerry, Colonel, USAF, Retired,
--USAF Academy Class of 1963.

"You caused me to spend some of my Christmas break with my nose stuck in a book. ...it certainly felt I was right back there in the NKP setting from long, long ago."

--Colonel James Lee McCleskey, USAF, Retired,
--Nimrod at NKP.

"Thousands who served as FACs, fighter and bomber pilots, rescue crewmen and airborne controllers will be avid readers of this story told by one who was there. As another who was there, I can verify that the details are both stunningly accurate and chillingly reminiscent of the war known to few others than the participants. A good read, a must read."

--Richard M. Coppock, Lt. Col., USAF, Retired,
--President and CEO, U.S. Air Force Academy Association of Graduates.

"A Certain Brotherhood captures the camaraderie, the loneliness, and the stark terror brought on by war. The flying scenes are both gripping and educational. Best of all, Jimmie Butler has created characters who are so real, I felt as if I knew them from my own service experience. I loved this book!"

--James A. Davidson, United States Naval Academy Class of 1969,
--Former Operations Officer on DE-Class Destroyers.

"I don't know if you realize just how much your book has meant to all of us. It really gave me a sense of accomplishment to have been able to participate in such an outfit as the 23rd TASS. Reading about it in ACB made me proud to have been a part of it."

--Dick Anderson, Cricket Engine Mechanic, 23rd TASS.

A Saigon Party: And Other Vietnam War Short Stories

By Diana J. Dell

In 1970, two years after her brother Kenny (49th Scout Dog Platoon, 199th LIB) was killed in the Mekong Delta, Diana Dell went to Vietnam as a civilian with USO. For the first six months, she was a program director at the USO Aloha Club at 22nd Replacement Battalion in Cam Ranh Bay, then this humanitarian organization's in-country director of public relations, and also the host of a daily radio show, "USO Showtime," on American Forces Vietnam Network (AFVN), the military station in Saigon.

As an eyewitness to the most significant event of the coming-of-age Baby Boom Generation, she claims that she will be telling war stories until her final moment on this earth. However, Diana's tales--some exaggerated, many true--are not about battles, blood, gore, or angst. They are about participants of the war other than grunts: CIA agents, bar girls, war profiteers, missionaries, donut dollies, strippers, civilian contractors, pilots, cooks, telephone operators, disc jockeys, rock stars, landladies, pedicab drivers, Buddhist monks, pickpockets, prostitutes, prisoners, beggars, nightclub owners, Montagnard tribesmen, foreign correspondents, ambassadors, doctors, humanitarians, celebrity tourists, and other REMFs, civilian as well as military.

Irreverent, creative, original, satirical, witty, intelligent, and insightful are a few of the words used to describe A Saigon Party: And Other Vietnam War Short Stories.

ISBN: 1893652904

Email Contact

Achilles In Vietnam

By Dr. Jonathan Shay

This is an in-depth study of War and PTSD from a unique, interdisciplinary perspective. Click on the small book picture to view a larger image of the cover.

Details and Reviews

ISBN: 0-684-81321-1

Known Retail Price: $12.00

Across the Mekong

The True Story of an Air America Helicopter Pilot

By Charles O. Davis

Across the Mekong is a vivid account of the author's two-and-one-half years as a pilot for Air America.

ISBN: 0-9639605-2-0

COST: $28.00 Total each ($25.00 per copy, plus $3.00 S&H)

For an autographed copy, send check or money order to:

Charles Davis
PO Box 19031
Alexandria, VA 22320-0032

E-Mail contact at [email protected]

Aid And Comfort: Jane Fonda In North Vietnam

By Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer

During the Vietnam War, Jane Fonda journeyed to Hanoi. She met with senior Communist civilian and military officials, held press conferences, toured sites of alleged bombing, "interviewed" American prisoners of war and, most important, made a series of propaganda broadcasts (tapes of which were incessantly played to our POWs).

By examining Fonda's childhood motivations, her radicalization, her POW "audience," her activities in North Vietnam, and through a detailed analysis of the American law of treason, "Aid and Comfort" makes the case that more than sufficient evidence existed to indict and convict Jane Fonda for the crime of treason.

In addition, the book reveals the shocking story of how, and why, the House Committee on Internal Security and the Nixon Department of Justice swept Fonda's conduct under the bureaucratic rug so that she would never be indicted. The appendix to "Aid and Comfort": Jane Fonda in North Vietnam contains the text of Fonda's broadcasts from North Vietnam.

Additional information at http://www.hanoijane.net/

Angels in Vietnam: Women Who Served

By Jan Hornung


Jan's book is a collection of stories, poems, and pictures by and about the women who served in Vietnam during the war. For over a decade, from the early 1960s, over 11,000 women from America, New Zealand, and Australia went to Vietnam as nurses, American Red Cross workers, physical therapists, entertainers, librarians, and more. Cry, laugh, and share a year in Vietnam with the ANGELS IN VIETNAM.

ISBN: 0595240909

Email The Author

Web Site

Another Kind Of War Story:

Army Nurses Look Back To Vietnam

By Barbara Deardorff, Diane DuPont, Linda Goodheart, Rhonda Prescott, and Ann Thompson

ISBN: 0-963-67740-3

Known Price: $15.00 (paperbound)

Profits from this book will be donated to the Vietnam Women's Memorial Project.

Order From:

1324 Oak Street
Lebanon, PA 17042

A Voice of Hope

By Thomas Flynn

Read this excellent Review.

Mail Order and Payment To:

Voice Book Productions
P.O. Box 1575
New Port Richey, FL 34656-1575

Price: $6.99. Copyright © 1994. 184 pp.

The Bamboo Bridge

By Dennis Hodo

Juan Rivera, Artist

This Book Is Dedicated To:

Silvestre Rivera
Leroy Wallace
Thomas Petela

They died young and so far away.

All profits from this book go to charities to benefit Vietnam Veterans and their families.

Price per copy: $10.00 (US)

Payable and Mail To:

Gray Company Publishing
12324 E. 86th St. N., #256
Owasso, OK 74055-2543

E-mail contact: Dennis L. Hodo

Battle Notes

By Lee Andresen

Battle Notes is likely the only full length book devoted to the music of the Vietnam War and how effectively that the songs tell the story of that conflict.

Battle Notes provides unique insight into the music of Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, the Animals and many others and what their songs had to say about the war. In addition, the musical views of Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and even Pat Boone are included. Also included is the music of Vietnam veterans like Sarge Lintecum and Tim Murphy. Over 180 songs are included in this book. Battle Notes includes chapters on Music of Combat, Protest, Patriotism, and the Aftermath of the war.

Outstanding photos and illustrations. Interviews with Bill Belmont, road manager for Country Joe and the Fish, Mark Berger, film editor for Apocalypse Now. Vietnam Veterans and students also give their reactions to how the music tells the story of this era.

Not only does Andresen cover the big hits, he gets down and dirty with the straight scoop on some of the obsure, but meaningful tunes of the 60's and 70's.

Contact the author through his web page at www.BattleNotes.com or by email directly at [email protected].

Order on-line or mail a check to

Lee Andresen,
320 E. 7th Street,
Superior, WI 54880

$14.95 plus $3.00 shipping/handling.

Beller's Fellars

VIETNAM 1966-1967

By Vern Greunke

Vern enlisted in a "non-combatant" agency and found himself "out in the sticks" living at small outposts with Military Advisory Teams in the middle of the war. "Beller's Fellars" is a compilation of the letters written to his folks from Vietnam while serving on a Short Range Radio Direction Finding team with a Radio Research Unit (Army Security Agency).

Readers of this book who have written to the author have expressed praise for his efforts, as they can identify with the thoughts he puts down on paper. Included also are a few short stories of Vern's experiences, along with biographies of the members of his team, "then and now."

Also included is an account of their first mini-reunion after 30 years.

This book is self-published and printed with a color cover and includes 12 picture pages.


Vern is now including a CD-ROM of over 500 pictures from Vietnam. The combined price is $15.00 for Book *and* CD ROM.


Price per book: $8.00

Payable and Mail To:

Vern Greunke
P.O. Box 124
Cedar Bluffs, NE 68015-0124

E-mail contact: Vern Greunke

Bringing The War Home!

By Barry Willdorf

BRINGING THE WAR HOME! is the story of a student activist couple testing their relationship and their beliefs as they attempt to organize antiwar Marines in Southern California during the Vietnam War.

Set at Camp Pendleton in Southern California and the Columbia University campus in New York, the couple struggles poignantly, often comically, through a maelstrom of the gender, racial, drug, and political debates of the era. A fictional insight into the turbulent times of the late 60s and early 70s, the novel is a precursor of the interpersonal and group conflicts of today.

ISBN: 097130260X

Email the Publishers at Gauche Press


Bugs in Armor

By Robert Bwire

From military expeditions in antiquity to peacekeeping missions in the twentieth century, malaria has been the single most important medical problem confronting non-immune troops in malaria ridden regions. Its devastating effects were clearly visible during both world wars. During the Macedonian campaign in World War I, an exasperated French general could not counterattack as he desperately reported, "Regret that my army is in hospital with malaria." Malaria also popped up in Korea, Vietnam and during Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. Often malaria causes more casualties than enemy action. A 1772 Dutch force sent to quell rioting slaves in Surinam lost three-quarters of its troops to malaria, and only a handful to the rebels.

Bugs in Armor takes the reader on a historical journey of military expeditions and their encounters with a relentless bug-the malaria parasite. It is also a story of how this confrontation fuelled research that gave the world a better understanding of the nature of malaria, its treatment and prevention.

About the Author:
Robert Bwire was born in Uganda where he trained as a physician. He worked for the Infectious Diseases Control Unit of the Royal Netherlands Army and still does some consultation work for the unit. At present, Dr. Bwire is an epidemiologist with the Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Association. He is also the author of numerous scientific articles.

ISBN 1-58348-754-9
Price: $14.95

Email contact for Robert Bwire

The Cat From Hue

By John Laurence

John Laurence, covered the Vietnam War for CBS News from 1965 to 1970, and helped to create the award-winning documentary The World of Charlie Company, was judged by his colleagues to be the best television reporter of the war. Despite the professional acclaim, the traumatic stories Laurence covered became a personal burden that he brought home and carried long after the war was over. He struggled with memories of what he had witnessed: the illegal bombings, the torture and murder; the corruption within the ranks; the desperation. Above all, his conscience haunted him about a close encounter with a North Vietnamese soldier in which he had to make a decision of life and death.

The result is THE CAT FROM HUE: A Vietnam War Story, a passionately felt, vividly described memoir, laced with humor, anger, love, and the unforgettable story of a very idiosyncratic feline named Meo who was determined to play his part in the Vietnam revolution. In reconstructing his experiences, Laurence relied not only on his notes and memory and formidable literary skill, but also on hundreds of hours of film footage shot at the time giving the book an uncanny vividness, power, and fidelity to facts.

ISBN 1891620312
Published in January of 2002 by PublicAffairs
Page count: 864
Retail price: $30.00.


By Robert Mason

Chickenhawk became a New York Times best-seller in 1984, and remained on the list for 17 weeks. It is currently in its 23rd printing.

Chickenhawk recounts the Vietnam War from the perspective of a helicopter pilot who experienced many combat missions.

Robert Mason is also author of several other award-winning novels, including

  • Weapon
  • Chickenhawk Back In The World
  • Solo

Visit Robert Mason's web site for additional information

Corpsman Up

By Paul M. Baviello

"It's not just my book...it belongs to everyone who was there."
--Paul "Buzz" Baviello

Paul proudly served in Nam as a "squid" (his word) with a Marine unit...Delta Co, 1st Bn, 5th Marines, 1969-70. Paul had to rise when others hit the deck and the yell, "Corpsman up," was heard above the roar of combat. He carried a Unit 1 corpsman's bag and an M16. He knew how to use both.

At last count, Paul had only about 100 copies left of the original printing. He is selling each copy for $10.00, which includes shipping. Please make checks payable to:

Paul Baviello

And mail to:

PO Box 5232
Whittier, CA 90607

Paul can be reached at: [email protected]

C.M.A.C. - Saga of a Saigon Warrior

By James Finnegan

In the base camps there was perimeter security and one could feel relatively safe, barring the odd mortar, rocket or artillery round flying in from outside the wire. Saigon was another story. It had all the same fly-ins but in reality it was an open city. Checkpoints could be either bypassed or papers for passage easily forged. Goods of all types could be moved in, around and out of the city, secreted in hidden compartments. Soon after I arrived, I remember seeing a people mover Lambretta, that had three 122mm rockets belted to the undercarriage of its passenger bay, suddenly take off down the boulevard. One of the rockets had evidently been too close to the Lambretta's exhaust and ignited, propelling the astonished passengers and their conveyance into a wall. Viewing the resulting explosion was not a great way to start the year.

Radios, Rockets and Radar greatly influenced the life of Lieutenant James. A. Callaghan during his U.S. Government sponsored stay in Viet Nam. The 'Conflict', prior to his arrival in country, had spawned what was known to the world as the 'Tet Offensive', an extensive and well coordinated action launched by the Viet Cong on the Republic of Viet Nam. During the mayhem caused by the advance of the 13 regular regiments from the north it became obvious that there was a need for a coordinating command to insure the protection of Saigon. This was the birth of the Capital Military Assistance Command, C.M.A.C. The command was hastily setup in an old French Foreign Legion compound and was soon home for the new Radio Officer, Lieutenant James Callaghan. C.M.A.C. highlights his adventures.

(ISBN 0595178863)

EMAIL the Author

Guinea Pigs of Vietnam

By Jean Williams

The facts and the documentation of untruths, disinformation, and the lingering results, written by the mother of a Vietnam Veteran and vociferous peace activist.

ISBN: 0 949525 24 3

Known Retail Price:
Post & packaging in Australia - AU $25.00
Post & packaging to New Zealand - AU $6.00
Post & packaging everywhere else - AU $10.00
All sent via air mail.

Available from:

Jean Williams
Homecoming Publications
186 Coes Creek Road

International Telephone: +61 7-441-1753
In Australia: 07 441-1753-20

Curbstone Press Presents --

An outstanding collection of books by Vietnam Veterans and Vietnamese authors.

Da Nang to Memphis

by Linda Moreau

The devastating dread of recognizing that a loved one's whereabouts are uncertain is captured in Linda Moreau's tribute to her brother Mickey, a U.S. Army helicopter pilot declared missing in action during the Vietnam War. Da Nang to Memphis is an earnest and gripping chronology of her family's return to the crash site and search for their brother's Vietnamese wife and her children confirms for one family that miracles do come true.

Price: $15.00
Format: Hardcover, 106pp.
ISBN: 0805947949

Linda G Moreau

Deadly Presents

By K.L. Bye

Illustrations by Michael T. Sargent, USMC, 1973

Poems on Vietnam from a combat soldier's point of view.

"Bye has stared into the pit of hell. . .[you will] shiver with what she saw."

--Laura Palmer, author of "Shrapnel in the Heart."

"Very readable, easily understandable, and moving."

--Nelson DeMille, Nam vet/best selling author, "Plum Island."

ISBN: 0-9641945-3-8

PRICE: $10.00 (MN residents add $0.65 state tax)


Turtle Run Publishing
PO Box 267
Circle Pines, MN 55014
FAX - 612-784-4536


Poetry by Linh Duy Vo

Linh Duy Vo was a young boy growing up in Vietnam during the War. When the Viet Cong were advancing toward Saigon in 1975, Vo was a nineteen-year-old university student there. After reading that his home town in the central province had already been conquered and that there would be no way to reach his family, he made the hurried decision to leave his homeland. He was one of the first to arrive at Camp Pendleton Marine Base, Oceanside, California, on May 2, 1975, one day after the fall of Saigon. He arrived with only his shirt and pants and a few pictures.

In his heart, over the years, Vo has carried a passionate gratitude to the United States. This passion has inspired countless verses, especially one dedicated to the wartime experience with American soldiers. He titled it "Dear Daddy" to honor the American pilot who befriended him and was later killed and to all the others who came to help the Vietnamese people. Vo says, "Every Vietnam vet is my daddy. They went there to save a child like myself, and I am the child they saved."

"....If we cannot shed a tear of Love and Gratitude for America's 58,000 dead children, for others in the Vietnam War, then I should pack and go back to where I came from."

--Linh Duy Vo's letter to Dith Pran of the "Killing Fields," June 1997.

"Dear Daddy" was considered for the Pulitzer Prize.

To preview some of Vo's poetry in the VVHP's "Remembrance" section, please access:


Hit your browser's "Back" feature to return here.

Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.
Long Beach Chapter #756

Proudly Presents

"Dear Daddy"

A book of poetry by Linh D. Vo
(The Boy in the Poem)
Dedicated to America and our beloved Vietnam Veterans

Your $25.00 purchase price per book will help make the
Long Beach Vietnam Memorial a reality.
(Include $3.75 for postage, handling, and insurance)

Total Cost: $28.75


Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.
Long Beach Chapter #756
4132 Ransom Street
Long Beach, CA 90804

(Please note on your check: For "Dear Daddy," VVHP Bookshelf)

ISBN: 0-9654498-0-7

Dear Donna, It's Only 45 Hours from Bien Hoa

By Doug Neralich

This book is available in electronic format for immediate download from 1st Books Library as well as in paper format from bookstores.

What is it about the Vietnam War that haunts America and the veterans of that conflict decades after the fighting was declared officially over? Was the experience of Vietnam veterans different from veterans of other wars? Former Army medic with the 36th Engineer Battalion (Vinh Long, 70-71) Doug Neralich poses these controversial questions and attempts to bare the answers while revealing untold Vietnam War stories.

Drawing on an impressive array of sources and actual combat and rescue experiences, Neralich weaves a collection of short stories based on high points and low moments in his personal Vietnam War experience. Neralich was only 22 years old when he was sent to Vietnam for a year-long tour of duty. Neralich was part of the perilous mission that built roads and bridges through the hostile swamps of the Mekong River Delta. It was there where Neralich and other young men serving with him faced the toughest battles of their lives.

Dear Donna,It's Only 45 Hours from Bien Hoa covers everything from tragic incidents, bloody encounters, personal conflicts, heartwarming tales, to memoirs. However, underneath the grisly details and harrowing accounts of war are awe-inspiring layers of anecdotes and personal revelations from unsung heroes like sergeants Covelli and Costal.

The book is a "must read" for anyone interested in a story of love, war, and the resiliency of the human spirit. Douglas Neralich is a decorated war veteran and respected teacher. He collects Vietnam War related books, movies and songs. The Vietnam War is not an all-consuming passion, but "Once a Vietnam Vet, always a Vietnam Vet," Neralich proudly declares.

Neralich and his wife Donna currently reside in Wyckoff, New Jersey.

EMAIL CONTACT with Doug Neralich

Desertion In the Time of Vietnam

By Jack Todd

In 1969, Jack Todd was twenty-three and happy beyond his dreams. He had left behind a hardscrabble youth in a small Nebraska town, had an exciting and enviable job as a reporter on the Miami Herald, and was wildly in love with his beautiful Cuban-American girlfriend. As the war in Vietnam drew closer, he assumed that he would fight, as the men in his family had always fought, though he was increasingly troubled by America's role there. His oldest friend had just returned from Vietnam and was already showing signs of the war-caused trauma that would destroy him; he had seen and done things too terrible to describe. He begged Jack to dodge the draft, to go to Canada. Nevertheless Jack entered the army and completed basic training when, on Christmas leave, he made an agonizing decision. By now deeply opposed to the war, he crossed the border into Canada, leaving behind his family, the girl he loved -- and his beloved homeland.

Now one of Canada's most successful journalists, Jack Todd is a remarkable writer of great power and vibrancy. It has taken him thirty years to come to terms with the guilt and shame of desertion, to break the silence, to tell this controversial, important, profoundly American story. In a dark century, when many "only obeyed orders," he chose not to. This is an intensely moving personal story told with passion and literary verve, as well as an eloquent account of a tortured time in American history. It is hard to put down, and impossible to forget.

Published by Houghton Mifflin
April 2001

A Dozen Things I Learned About Life
As a Marine Sniper in Vietnam

By Ed Kugler

Former Sergeant, Scout-Sniper, Fourth Marines

A wonderful book of short stories along with the Lessons they taught. A great inspiration for dealing with Life's problems and concerns.

Cost: $4.25 Total each -- ($3.00 per copy, plus $1.25 S&H)

Available from:

The Dozen Group
PO Box 11470
Spring, TX 77379

10% of all profits are donated to Homeless Veteran Projects

Contact the Author at [email protected]

Farewell, Darkness

A Veteran's Triumph Over Combat Trauma

By Ron Zaczek

Crewchief, Marine Observation Squadron 3,
Phu Bai, Dong Ha, Khe Sanh

"I had a friend--Ron Phelps. He was the best, and he died."

I face the vets facing me, trying to reach them to know that twenty years and more past his death, the word is no longer hard. I have found the tears to soften it.

Farewell, Darkness is used to promote healing in the nation's 200+ Veterans Outreach Centers and is a probing, personal look at war's psychological toll. The reader lives Zaczek's brutal, honest journey through war as well as his successful treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For many, the Vietnam story ends in unresolved pain. Intensely and eloquently written, this ground-breaking book is the first to bring closure and victory to the combat veteran's personal struggle.

"I miss him differently, now. Do you know which feeling is gone? Emptiness. Anything that touched the emptiness is gone as well. I've brought the memories forward. They define a piece of who I am, not all of what I was. When I think of him and all the men I knew, I feel full; and I feel proud of them...and me."

"Zaczek examines the depths of his psyche...in a style that is blunt, articulate, intelligent, and, at times, poetic." Marc Leepson: Chicago Tribune, Vietnam Veterans of America Veteran, and Vietnam magazine.

"This is a book about healing, understanding, and recognition, not pity. Ron's courage and persistence shine." Senator Bob Kerrey, USN SEAL Team Leader, Medal of Honor.

ISBN: 1-55750-989-1

Price: $34.95 Total each ($32.95 per copy, plus $2.00 S&H)

Order an autographed copy from:

Zaczek Enterprises
PO Box 1206
Elkton, MD 21922

Contact the author by EMAIL

Father, Soldier, Son

By Nathaniel Tripp

"Some of the best prose this side of Tim O'Brien or Tobias Wolff."

--Military History Quarterly

"Not since Michael Herr's 'Dispatches' has there been anything quite as vivid, gripping, and soul-searching."

--Washington Post

"The discriptions of combat in the jungles of Vietnam are authentic and terrifying, as good as any I have read in fact or fiction."

--Chicago Tribune

"'Father, Soldier, Son' will stand as one of the finest soldier memoirs of the Vietnam War."

--Boston Globe

Available in bookstores.

To order by Visa or Mastercard, please call: 1-800-639-7140

Steer Forth Press

Fields of Fire

By Michael Shapiro

If you can find a little humor in war, this account tells of a bunch of guys beginning in the states, and then sent to Vietnam. It shares the things that have probably happened to all of us one time or another during our tours -things that you can relate to, but no one wanted to put in print. There is humor, misfortune, and a lot of personal feelings and experiences.

This fiction novel is based on Mike Shapiro's experiences of serving from October 1967 to October 1968 in the weapons platoon of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division.

ISBN: 09579528-6-4

Mike's web site

Email the Author

The Firebirds

By Chuck Carlock

Chuck Carlock's tour as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam is recounted here with brutal frankness and graphic clarity. Even seasoned combat veterans will be astonished by the ferocity of the deadly new form of combat encountered by Carlock and his fellow pilots and crewmen - the Firebirds.

Early in his tour, Carlock concluded that he had no chance of returning from Vietnam alive - and with good reason. Of the twelve pilots in his gunship platoon, eleven were wounded and one was captured.

More than a collection of war stories, Carlock reveals his entire Vietnam experience, similar to that endured by thousands of young men and women - the humor, the frustration, the fear, and the loss of innocence. Hop into the copilot's seat and let Carlock take you back to the end of an era and put you in the middle of the action.

ISBN: 1-56530-197-8

Published by The Summit Publishing Group 1995

Autographed book is available for $15.00 plus $3.50 shipping from:

Co. A 501st Aviation Bn./ 1st AHC Association
6410 Fallbrook Drive
Garland, TX 75043-5921
Association Web Site: http://www.rattlers.bitshop.com

The Forgotten HERO of My Lai

By Trent Angers

Acadian House Publishing of Lafayette, Louisiana, has announced a Web Site dedicated to "The Forgotten HERO of My Lai - Hugh Thompson."

The Site features stories and articles on Mr. Thompson, who saved innocent Vietnamese civilians in the now-infamous My Lai Massacre in March of 1968.

Acadian House Publishing has also announced an upcoming book entitled "The Forgotten HERO of My Lai--The Hugh Thompson Story," which can be pre-ordered online.

Web Site: http://www.acadianhouse.com/hughthompson/index.htm

Brent Leger, B-C/UNITY MEDIA
1-(800)-466-9222, ext.1512
E-Mail: [email protected]

Free Fire Zone

Airborne Press is pleased to announce that John Henry Lee's book, Free Fire Zone will appear in serial form on our website, http://www.airbornepress.com/. The first three Chapters are now on line. Mr. Lee, a two tour Vietnam Vet has written a fictionalized account of the Vietnam experience. This is the first in a trilogy according to Mr. Lee.

Free Fire Zone was originally sold to Manor Books over twenty years ago but was never published as Manor, like many publishing houses, disappeared from the radar screen in a merger. The book is free and a new part of it will appear every week or so.

The book's audience is not the Vietnam vet as he/she knows how it was. The audience are non vets or interested persons who wants to learn and know more about the Vietnam war.

Airborne Press is dedicated to promoting the welfare of the Vietnam vet and his family and this is another attempt. We think if individuals can read a novel which conveys the horrors of war and the transformation of young Americans into a "kill or be killed" mentality, all at the behest of their country, then the Nation will understand the unusual debt owed to valiant warriors. We hope you'll visit our site and see our offerings. Free Fire Zone will be available soon in PDF format for downloading from Amazon and will be a POD (print on demand) book after the serialization. Please help us get the Vietnam story out by telling your friends, family, and acquaintances. Thank you and God bless you.

Brooke Jackson
Operations Officer and Webmaster


Frenchy's Whore

By Vernon E. Brewer II

Book Review

ISBN: 1-55787-121-3

Known Retail Price: $12.00, includes S&H

Book Orders:

PO Box 735
Seneca Falls, NY 13148-0735

or email the author

"The grueling march through the jungle to reach and climb Hill 522 will leave you drained as if you had climbed the hill yourself. But then, perhaps some of you did. What the men of A CO, 4/503 Infantry experienced on that day in November, 1968, is what the author has so vividly recounted in his book and with the credence that only a 'Herd' member who was there could provide...

"Vernon Brewer has provided (us) with a book that reveals how the men in the 173rd Abn. Infantry Battalions lived their lives in a war they did not understand but were willing to die trying.

"FRENCHY'S WHORE is not a misnomer--it is the best book written to date that epitomizes what the 173rd Abn. Brigade was and still is. If you have not read it, I suggest that you do."

Tim Stout,
Editor, Sky Soldier Magazine,
and Contributing Editor, Static Line Magazine

God In The Trenches

A History Of How God Defends Freedom When America Is At War
by Larkin Spivey

Larkin Spivey is an author, decorated Marine Corps veteran officer, and former professor of military history. He was with the American blockade force during the Cuban Missle Crisis, commanded infantry and reconnaissance units in Vietnam, and served in the White House during the Johnson and Nixon administrations.

Spivey provides gripping accounts, backed up by credible historical evidence, that the history of the United States was swayed many times by a hidden hand.

God In The Trenches is available at fine bookstores everywhere.
Volume discounts are available for churches, schools, groups and other organizations.

To order a copy now:
Call toll-free, 1-866-887-1900, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., EST.


Write to:
Allegiance Press
11350 Random Hills Road, Suite 800
Fairfax, VA 22030.

Please include $13.99, plus $1.75 shipping/handling.
Orders must be prepaid. No billing. We accept major credit cards.

You may also purchase God in the Trenches from Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.

Grief Denied: A Vietnam Widow's Story

by Pauline Laurent

Grief Denied: A Vietnam Widow's Story, is the first widow's book to come out of the Vietnam war. It tells the riveting story of how the author came out from under the suffocating weight of her own silence to find personal expression, a sense of liberation, and a renewal of faith. This book is a deeply moving, inspirational memoir which will provide and promote healing for the unresolved grief still haunting many Americans.

Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5
232 pages, $14.95
ISBN: 0-9671424-0-7
Pub. Date: November 11, 1999

Email Contact

Web Site

Highway One: A Vietnam War Story

by James E. Davidson

An offbeat satire about American military advisors in cultural conflict with the people they were sent to help. This is a sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, but always thought provoking �war story� about the �Vietnamization� of the United States� war effort in Vietnam. It will leave you with an uneasy feeling as we enter �America�s New War�, and become entangled in long term commitments of our young military men and women in cultures so unlike our own.

Highway One: A Vietnam War Story is a story about a young Army lieutenant who is sent to a small village during his last fourteen days in-country to build a rifle range for the local Popular Forces as part of the Vietnamization Program. It is a story about a short-timer who only wants to put in his time and get home safely, but his simple mission is complicated by Pentagon planners and a beautiful young woman in the village who is mysteriously close to the local Viet Cong.

Highway One: A Vietnam War Story is also a story about cultural conflict. It looks at the role of American military advisors in Vietnam, the forerunners of themen and women who are becoming more involved in foreign policy around the world today. It shows how Americans lack the one thing most �third-world� cultures have when it comes to fighting and winning a war - the concept that war will proceed at its own pace.

Price: $14.95
ISBN: 0595196543

Website for Review

Author's Email

Honor The Warrior

The United States Marine Corps In Vietnam

By William L. Myers

Honor The Warrior is a collection of first person accounts of Marines in combat in Vietnam.

The author will inscribe each book, as you desire if you desire. It is his hope that everyone whose name appears in the book will have a chance to read it.

Redoubt Press, 294 pages, map.

COST: $25.00 plus $3.00 S&H


William L. Myers
183 Steiner Road, #117
Lafayette, LA 70508-6000


William L. Myers

G(eneral) I(ssue) Blues, Viet Nam to Here:
A Warrior's Tour

By Captain Sonny Gratzer, Ret.

Sonny was medically retired in 1968 with severe wounds and earned the SS, SM, BSw/v&OLC, and PH w/2OLC.

Sonny's book of poetry was published Veterans Day 1997 in Butte, MN. "G.I. Blues..." is a moving, gutty, realistic book of experiences related to Vietnam, Sonny's war, and his injuries. Sonny was the best of the best as a company commander (2/2nd Mech.Inf, 1st Inf Div).

This book is published by:

Heartland Journals
Box 9292
Missoula, MT

Telephone: 1-800-588-9492

Cost is $13.00 Total per book -- ($10.00 each copy, plus $3.00 S&H)

Hunger of the Heart

By Larry Powell,
Vietnam veteran and
Award-winning photojournalist

A book of photojournalism on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, documenting those who come and the gifts they bring. His photographs are valuable and rich because he preserves the environment in which the gifts were recorded - the Wall, the people, the gifts are one.

Book Review

Here are five pictures from Larry's book.

Retail Price: $18.95, plus S/H
(see "Book Review" for ordering information)

Immediate Orders: 1-800-557-9867

ISBN: 0-9641919-4-6

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