PX Bookshelf
Behind the scenes, Reagan's private political mentor was Dwight Eisenhower, and Reagan's public political foe was Robert Kennedy. Reagan scholar Kopelson's analysis relies on newly uncovered audiotapes from candidate Reagan's days as governor of California, the Eisenhower-Reagan correspondence and files, Ike's post-presidential diary, and interviews with 35 grassroots Reagan activists from 1968.
Many of the major triumphs of Reagan's subsequent tenure as president originated during that first campaign: Tearing down the Berlin Wall; Lessening nuclear weapons; The peaceful defeat of communism; Creating a missile defense shield for America; Bringing freedom to Eastern Europe; And dealing with hostage crises.
During 1968, Reagan emerged as a world statesman and shaped his crusade to restore pride in America. Kopelson further demonstrates why for Reagan, Ike's tutelage was critical. This political mentorship changed America's national priorities through the end of Reagan's presidency, whose effects are still very much with us today.
University of Southern California Figueroa Press, 2016
See www.genekopelson.com for reviews, articles, interviews, and upcoming book signings and lectures
Prior to World War II, Americans who suffered a spinal cord injury had a life expectancy of one and a half years. After the war, antibiotics and modern medicine combined to keep many fallen heroes alive long enough to actually be discharged from military and veterans' hospitals.
Hollywood movie makers first touched upon these issues in The Men (Marlon Brando, 1950). Others, Coming Home (Jon Voight/Hanoi Jane, 1978) and Born On The 4th Of July (Tom Cruise, 1989), would focus on paralyzed survivors of the Vietnam War.
QUADALAJARA --- The Utopia That Once Was tells the story of a number of brave souls, among them veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam who ventured into uncharted territory, leaving behind family, friends, the safe confines of institutions, and a life expectancy of seven to however many years in search of a second chance at life. They discovered paradise South of the Border in --- Quadalajara.
Follow the author on his journey from Qui Nhon to Quadalajara. Find out whatever happened to The Men!
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The Post-Traumatic Gazette newsletter to end with issue No.42
After 7 years of continous publication, the last new issue of this outstanding monthly newsletter
The Post-Traumatic Gazette will be Volume 7, Number 6. All 42 back issues of the Gazette are available and will be
kept in print. They can be ordered singly, by the year, or as a complete set from:
Jack comments, "I was a 'Shitbird' Marine -- bored and always in trouble. Little did I know I was about to be in the real shit when I transferred into Echo 2/9, an infantry company that's Area of Operation was in Northern I-Corps!"
Jack was at "Con Thien (Hill of the Angels)" where the NVA unleased an unmerciful attack of over 1200 rds. of artillery of such ferocity never seen before in Vietnam.
Jack's book is to honor the dead and wounded of Second Battalion, Ninth Marine Regiment.
ISBN: 1-58898-079-0
War often tears at the soul of a man and his mind. If he is lucky to escape the bullets he cannot escape the memories that come flooding back in his daily life. My poems are filled with raw emotions that can carry the reader along as they read each and every line in these pages. The sights and sounds of war and death can live on in a person's soul which what I hope the reader can feel as they read each and every poem.
Guy served with Co A & HQ, 43d Signal Battalion, 22d Signal Group, 1st Signal Brigade Pleiku, Vietnam (MAC V compound)
Also available in electronic form
John B. Givhan was there during that time, and he details early helicopter assault missions flown by courageous U.S. Army helicopter pilots, crew chiefs and gunners. RICE AND COTTON is also about April 12, 1964, in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, a day that is and will be forever etched in the minds and souls of the men of the 120th Aviation Company, the "Deans", when valor and devotion to duty reigned supreme.
John B. Givhan is a soldier, rancher and lawyer. He was awarded the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal with Nine Oak Leaf Clusters and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for his helicopter pilot combat service in the Vietnam War.
ISBN: 0738820911
EMAIL John Givhan
It became one of Thomas Kemp's duties to train a core of individuals in South Vietnam who were to kill communists across the border to the north. Kemp was not aware that the target of the elite killers would shift. He did not know then, that the mission would be, ultimately, to assasinate the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Even though he had heard the rumors, it was difficult for Kemp to accept the involvement of his trained killers in the assassination of the president. Even if the killers were able to carry off such a mission, who could have had the power to order it? Who could pull off the perfect murder of the century?
Fair-haired Kemp was the golden boy who had privy to the ear of President Johnson. In private, the new president commisioned "code name" Thomas Thomas to find and to kill the individuals who had murdered Kennedy. Even as Thomas Kemp was using his connections to find the murderers, J.Edgar Hoover was urging Johnson to support the "Warren Commission's Report" - a report based on false evidence. After the report is made public, Johnson becomes immersed in Vietnam. Johnson himself orders Thomas Thomas to halt his private investigation. But by then it was too late.
The novel can be received in the form of E-Mail ($10.00), floppy disk ($11.00), or printed copy ($25.00).
All prices include shipping and handling anywhere in the Unites States.
ISBN: 1-4107-4841-3
As an eyewitness to the most significant event of the coming-of-age Baby Boom Generation, she claims that she will be telling war stories until her final moment on this earth. However, Diana's tales--some exaggerated, many true--are not about battles, blood, gore, or angst. They are about participants of the war other than grunts: CIA agents, bar girls, war profiteers, missionaries, donut dollies, strippers, civilian contractors, pilots, cooks, telephone operators, disc jockeys, rock stars, landladies, pedicab drivers, Buddhist monks, pickpockets, prostitutes, prisoners, beggars, nightclub owners, Montagnard tribesmen, foreign correspondents, ambassadors, doctors, humanitarians, celebrity tourists, and other REMFs, civilian as well as military.
Irreverent, creative, original, satirical, witty, intelligent, and insightful are a few of the words used to describe A Saigon Party: And Other Vietnam War Short Stories.
ISBN: 1893652904
Filled with never-before-disclosed information, this riveting, meticulously documented book pieces together the events of the tragedy -- correcting the official U.S. view. For 35 years, the government has allowed the Forrestal crew to carry an undeserved share of the blame for the tragedy, never acknowledging that it sent the carrier faulty bombs that exploded before the crew even had a chance to contain the initial fire.
Told through the stories of a dozen of the ship's sailors, including its former captain, it follows the Forrestal from its home in Norfolk, Virginia, to the fateful fire and its aftermath. Written with the intensity and excitement of a thriller, here is the first full minute-by-minute account of the disaster.
The father was a VNAF A-1 Skyraider pilot,
graduated from the Air
Commando Course, and flew various aircraft
over his 21-year career. The
son flew USMC CH-46 in the Gulf War.
Under heavy sedation he relives his senior year in high school (1970), his first girlfriend, and the incidents that forced him into the Army. He relives the trauma, combat, and anxiety he suffered in Vietnam. Most importantly, he relives the love between him and Tien, the daughter of the most prominent businessmen in Southeast Asia. They shared the deepest love, marriage, and a son at the cost of losing her family. In a final attempt to reconcile with her parents they go to her family\92s restaurant, when a VC bomb explodes.
In a strange twist of fate, a Dr. Wellington, of Vietnamese ancestry, sees the photograph of Tien on Grady\92s nightstand in the hospital. Wellington challenges Grady about the photo.
Can Dr. Wellington help Grady finally let go of the Shadows of Saigon?
Pub Date: June 15, 2021
ISBN13: 978-1-938462-52-8 (paperback)
ISBN13: 978-1-938462-53-5 (eBook)
Because of a shortage of Naval Intelligence officers during the Vietnam War, in 1969 an ordinary line officer is assigned as the Cambodian Analyst to the Commander of US Naval Forces in Vietnam (Admiral Zumwalt). Responsible for targeting Naval agent networks into Cambodia, LT Becker is caught in rivalries between various US intelligence agencies. He is soon disillusioned to discover that he can trust the head of North Vietnamese Intelligence more than the CIA. Circumstances of war thrust the junior officer onto the high-level diplomatic stage where he is torn between the expectations of US diplomats, the intrigue of Cambodian officials, his respect for Cambodian Prince Norodom Sihanouk and his sense of morality. Rogue US spies who resort to blackmail and murder complicate the lieutenant\92s struggle to thwart a coup attempt engineered by the CIA in this work of autobiographical fiction.
At a desolate base camp in the northwest corner of the Mekong Delta, near the Cambodian border, a helicopter touches down and a stout little Hispanic man dressed coolly in khaki trousers and white shirt steps onto the ground. The military and political credentials of Mr.Mendez will prove to be unclear, which means he is CIA. Big shots rarely visit the camp at Tra Cu. It is home base for operations of all sorts, from conventional to far from it. From Tra Cu\92s barbed wire perimeter one can mount just about any kind of overt or covert mission. Mix or match an Army Special Forces \93A\94 Team, a Navy SEAL detachment, South Vietnamese Army Rangers, mercenaries from Cambodia and even Laos, and patrol boats and crews of the Navy\92s River Patrol Force.
Mr. Mendez needs a boat\97a patrol boat and crew to run him up a narrow river, deep into territory held by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. Their objective will be to buy the freedom of a downed American pilot, held by a gang of Viet Cong guerillas. In a setting amazingly similar to that of the renowned film \93Apocalypse Now\94, this mission begins.
ISBN: 1401074723
This is a personal account; with all of the personal feelings and interactions that one is expected to have in combat. He has not blown his personal, the troop's, nor the 9th Cav's exploits out-of-proportion, and has tried his best to describe the unit as it was.... a great Troop in the highly recognized 9th Cavalry, "doing it all like it was supposed to be done" in Nam. As such, the good and the not so good are both reported as fairly as any human being in combat can.
Zahn is currently a chief pilot for Era Helicopters in Anchorage, Alaska. He recounts his tour of duty in Vietnam, from 1970-71, as a pilot of an AH-1 Cobra ("Snake") - the first helicopter designed for an attack role in combat. From his memory and an entire set of audio cassettes and letters he had sent home from basic combat training, flight school, and Vietnam, Zahn is able to create a detailed and sensitive memoir capturing the range of emotions present in combat situations.
ISBN: 1574885650
Salven's reflections are accompanied by a series of paintings\97vivid, anonymous portraits of soldiers. Fort Ord, once a community of more than 30,000 soldiers, was closed in the late 1990s; these paintings are now being used as window covers on several abandoned barracks. Also included are color photographs of the fort and the surrounding landscape in its strangely beautiful state today.
Veterans and soldiers alike will find this book particularly meaningful, as will anyone seeking to better understand this important period in U.S. history and its impact on those who lived through it. By turns amusing and heartbreaking, The Soldier Factory has the quiet, reverent quality of a memorial. Color illustrations throughout.
ISBN: 0807615722
As a Green Beret Sergeant in the Special Forces, Lee Burkins was a combat leader of indigenous tribal warriors conducting secret government missions against the communists in Laos and Cambodia. Although Lee believed his war experiences would prepare him for anything in life, he had no idea of the mental and emotional struggle he would later face in recovering his humanity.
Winding between the uncharted jungles of South East Asia, the little known culture of the Montagnard tribes, the psychiatrist\92s office in Hawaii and a multicolored civilian life, Lee takes us into a warrior\92s inner world of struggle to comprehend the reasons behind humanity\92s penchant for war, society\92s treatment of soldiers, and the government\92s denial of war induced psychological trauma now known as PTSD.
Soldier\92s Heart distinguishes itself from other stories of war by taking prisoner the psyche of humanity that perpetuates war and by using the serum of truth to uncover the intelligence to end war.
Join Huey 091 in her journey from Vietnam to a backyard wedding decades later. Fly in the battles of wartime helicopter crews.
Find out why some people dream of helicopter flight, while others have nightmares of the memories.
Laugh at flight follies, admire heroes of the flight line, crash midair into another helicopter,
and use in-flight emergency procedures when you hear, "You're on Fire!"
More than thirty writers contributed stories, poems, and insights that represent myriad adventures, heartaches, ecstasies, horrors,
and wonders that helicopters have to offer. Helicopter history, winged wisdom, and flight facts are scattered throughout the book.
ISBN: 0-595-30221-1
Published: Nov-2003
Stealth Patrol is the story of that experience - one man's journey from grunt to Lurp - and all the action in between: the hyper-intensive training, the "live" trial mission, the countless ambushes and coordinated artillery strikes. In 1969, the Lurps were reconfigured, becoming known by their now familiar name: the Army Rangers. Bill Shanahan was right there at the heart of it.
ISBN: 0306812738
EMAIL the author
A fast-paced action adventure that unfolds immediately after the end of the Vietnam war. The Stone Throwers involves, murder, revenge, intrigue and misplaced loyalties.
ISBN: 0595165680
Throughout our nations history we have fought wars not with physically and intellectually developed men, but with adolescents who are sometimes not even out of their teens.
At no time since the Civil War was this presence of youth more apparent than during the Vietnam conflict.
From the first shots fired in 1960 until the wars end, the average American combat troop was nineteen years old. And in some circles nineteen was considered an old man.
The story of Steve Stoner, an eighteen-year-old Marine, focuses on a Marine machinegun team assigned to the dangerous I Corps area near the demilitarized zone between North and South Vietnam. The characters in this book are based on actual Marines who fought the war.
This book is dedicated to those teenagers who wore the globe, ball, and anchor, and won over 90% of the major battles they faced against one of the world's toughest foes.
ISBN: 1553950143
# ISBN: 0292730985