Reflections, Memories, and Images of Vietnam Past
"Remembrance" is a collection of "Galleries" containing imagery,
stories, poems, songs, maps, and narratives from or about the Vietnam War era.
This section also contains a "Glossary" of terms and slang used in this era and
found in the
writings throughout this Site.
One Gallery is dedicated to Vietnam Veterans Memorials from around the world, and
searches can be done in others for the names listed on The Wall in D.C. and by
State. There
are two "Roll of Honour" Galleries of the Services Personnel and civilians of our
Mates Down
Under who were killed in Vietnam -- one for the Aussies and another for the Kiwis.
Contributors to these Galleries include Veterans and their families and
friends. Many of these files are quite large and may take awhile to load. For
more information on these materials, click here.
The Squad Leader for this section is Bill McBride. The
assistant squad leader is Roger Herrick. To obtain
further information on contributing materials for inclusion in
"Remembrance," please contact Bill on the Internet using this
automatic "Mail To" form:
[email protected]
Revised 03-05-2025 By wgm
A reference list
containing the terminology, slang, and abbreviations used by Vietnam
Veterans and others.
Memorials to Vietnam Veterans located within the United States and around
the world.
Peruse The Wall
for the names of Vietnam Veterans who were killed or are MIA.
By State listings of all U.S. Vietnam War
This listing was compiled by Jay Ebert, USAF. These listings are based on the Home
Record information in the files of the National Archives.
The Australian "Roll of Honour" lists
Australian Services Personnel and civilians who were killed while serving
their country in Vietnam.
The New Zealand "Roll of Honour" lists New
Zealand Services Personnel and civilians who were killed while serving
their country in Vietnam.
This story is dedicated to all those in 502 / 501st. Inf. 101st. Airborne "C" Company, and especially to those who gave it all and a big sharp salute to them.
By Lance Corporal John C. Calhoun USMC
Written by Ed Driscoll
Guy Served in Pleiku, Vietnam from November '68 to October '69
Featuring Michael Wilson, who served in the USAF and was stationed at Udorn Airfield and
Korat Airfield, Thailand; Robert Pizzano and Michael Koehnen who served in "The Rose Garden;"
Roger Herrick's tribute to his brother -- USAF pilot Captain James Herrick, MIA in Laos, 1969;
and a link to the "Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Brotherhood, Inc." Web Site.
Written by Vietnam Veteran Mercer "Mac" Dorsey. Mac served as a U.S. Army Advisor to to
the Vietnamese.
Written by Vietnam Veteran Don Cook. Don served with VF-11.
Barry served with the 4th Inf. Div., B Co., 4th Combat Engineers from 1968-1969.
Photos included.
By Dennis J. Stauffer
Editor's note:
This article by Dennis first appeared in the Sunday, Dec. 5, 1982, edition of the
Grand Rapids Press. It is in pdf format to retain the original look and feel of the published
By Robert Sasse, Marine Veteran.
Editor's note:
I meant to get this posted by Memorial Day 1999 but did not. It is a very nice
tribute to Robert's friend and to all veterans.
By Vietnam Veteran Michael Murphy, USN.
By Vietnam Veteran, Michael J. Horton, Army.
By Robert E. Wheatley, Former Sgt., USAF Security Service, Udorn, Thailand,
1967-1968. "In the rear with the gear."
Honoring all those who served.
By Vietnam Veteran Robert Sasse
James "Bud" Harton Jr. was assigned to the 173rd Assault Helicopter Company at
Lai Khe in III Corps.
"One Charlie Niner Hotel" served in the Nam from '68-'69.
Images from the "more real" War in Vietnam ... take a journey with "Hawks" recon
and also meet a surprising young Lady.
Jack was with E-CO. 2nd Bn. 9th Marine Regmt. 3rd Marine Div. I-Corps 66-67-68.
This is a story of the first battle faced by a nineteen-year-old infantry
soldier in the mountains west of FSB Vehgel, May 1970, one month preceding the seige of FSB
Ripcord in the A Shau Valley.
Unknown to his unit, they run into a sapper base camp, of full NVA-Division
strength, preparing for Ripcord.
"This is an account of the last six days of 10 men," compiled by David and John
Kolson from records of the U.S. National Archives and other sources.
A hard-hit Company survives, thanks to some help from a friend ... from Down
By Lou Talley
Mr. Nha is a journalist in Vietnam and was assigned to a Viet Cong
field surveillance unit during the War.
Remembrances, journeys, and ceremonial speeches written by Veterans, family, and
Bill McCarron is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and served in Vietnam
from July 1969 to July 1970. Bill writes about the wonder of newfound family and a tiny
"friend" who made every night Christmas for a year.
John Musgrave, USMC Ret., served with Delta Co, 1st Bn, 9th Marine Reg, 3rd
Marine Div, Nam '67-'68. His poems are a "must read."
He served with the 9th Infantry Division (US Army) - Mekong Delta -
The poems and pictures of Linh Duy Vo, who was one of the first to arrive at
Camp Pendleton Marine Base one day after the fall of Saigon. He arrived with only a shirt,
pants, and a few pictures.
Mark dedicates this Gallery to his brother, Larry Jackson, who was KIA September
12, 1969, in Vietnam. Larry flew with the 129th AHC at Lane Army Airfield.
Christopher Garrett was in the 101st Airborne in Nam and writes a chilling
account about Gilbert Ruff, RTO.
Dennis was a Medic with Third Platoon, Alpha Company,
1st of the 12th, Fourth Infantry Division.
Stories and photos of the Khe Sanh Combat Base and surrounding areas by USMC Veterans
Earl Clark, Jim Wodecki, Jim Epps, Cliff Treese, and 101st Airborne Helicopter pilot, "Rusty
A growing
collection of personal letters and correspondence between Veterans and
their families and friends. Featuring Tim "t-bomb" Driscoll, Gary Canant, Stanley
Homiski, Paul O'Connell, and Mark Jackson.
Dennis Wynne served with the Australian Army in Nam, and he gives us a brief
bio; but this Gallery is from a proud Warrior about the published writing of his daughter,
Joanne, on PTSD. An informative and insightful read.
(Editor's Note: Since the placing of this material, the idea was formed to devote
this Gallery to some of the further writings concerning PTS, recovery, and related articles.
Steve Robbins adds his courageous story, "The Long Journey Home.")
Stories by Mike Powell
Mike served with A Co/229th AHB (Assault Helicopter Battalion), 1st Cavalry
Division in Tay Ninh in III Corps, '69-'70.
By Jim DeLuco
Jim served in Vietnam during 1966-1967
Great music from the war years. This gallery contains music files (.mid) of popular songs from
the Vietnam era. Requests taken!! Introducing the VVHP's virtual d-jays Steve Robbins and
Skip Dempsey.
"We were surprised by our bravery and equally surprised by how scared we were...." Tim
Lickness writes of his tour in Vietnam as a platoon leader with the 101st Airborne in 1968.
A new essay by Tim that appeared in the San Diego Union
Tribune on 2 May, 2000.
Two new essays by Tim Lickness: "Rescue of Dustoff 65" and
Two poems and a story ... a story you won't easily forget.
By SSgt Bruce Forbes, USAF.
A single word that has come to mean the era of a War and of a generation. Another
generation is now studying and writing about Vietnam with the wisdom to research the source.
Don't miss the wonderful prose and poetry of these talented students, who are trying to
understand the Vietnam experience.
From the "Golden Fifties" to Nam, the poems of Roy Minier tell us about the loss of
innocence and having nowhere to go when you're scared.
Roy was US Army, legal clerk and 3/6 Arty.
A Paul Clayton story, excerpted from his novel, Where The Shadows Run From
Accounts of those that fled Vietnam during and after the war.
A play by David W. Christner
Dan Mouer's moving answer to a college student's question. This Gallery also
includes stories of Dan's experiences in the Nam.
By Bill Hagee
"Hug From The Wall" and "... Memorial Day"
New! -- "Life in the Nam"
A Tribute to Ernie and Juan
Barbara Ely Piatt's poignant remembrances of her friends who were lost in the
Tom Hain writes about his experiences with the Mobile Riverine Force and Army-Navy teamwork
in the Delta.
Jim was a Marine who served with 3/4 at Khe Sanh and other delightful spots in the Northern
provinces of South Vietnam. His photos of Khe Sanh, Con Thien, Gio Linh, The Rockpile, and
several other places will bring back fond and not-so-fond memories of those who served
Gallery of the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC, in Vietnam.
This gallery is being built to serve as a harbor site for members of the Battalion. A
companion gallery for 1st Reconnaissance Battalion is being planned.
A Vet who made it back in 1972 salutes his friend, Severo James "Sonny" Primm III. Sonny
was finally laid to rest in 1996.
A Gallery devoted to those angels in green, the U.S. Navy Corpsmen who served with
the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam.
Donated by his friend, John Moore
A gallery devoted to short poems and stories by and about the men and women who
served in Vietnam.
Featuring -- "Walking Alone" by Veteran Sootekwa Williams (Comanche); Alan C. Bennett; Hue-Thanh Bergevin; Karen Parker Anderson; Van E. Harl; Rick Ryckman; David M. Macina; Thomas Ward; Del "Abe" Jones;
Roger Robicheau;Nancy L. Meek;Heloise B. Riddell; Jonathan Holmes; Kristen Biksacky (Koppers);
Stephen Hobbs; Elsa Beattie; Susan Raye White; Shaundel Williams; Rikki Duncan; M.L. Carte;
Judy/T. Powell; Dave King; David
Noe; Neil Harris; LtCdr Kelly Strong, USCG; Judith Patton Flynn;
Catherine Anne McNeill; Valerie; Mike Bridwell; Kelly A. Dobos; Diana Waite; David
E. Underhill; Robert Miller; Guy L. Jones; Brian Swan; Emanual Seafont;
Rod Walford; Henry L. Alexander; D.L. Williams; Gregory West; Ken Newberry; Robert
H. Wilson, Jr.; Charles A. Schneider; Seth E. Sperling;
Melinda Hill; Lynda Arneson Dokken; Mike Sumrall; Nancy Moore; Gary McDonough; Andy
Stinson; Rachal Cyphers; Lee Basnar; Lynn "Eravette" McMillen-Begley; Kelly Strong;
Lori M.E. Gilbertson; Dan Isakson; Brenda Jean Baker; Karon Campbell; Ed Tieman;
David Schwind, Deborah Roessler-Jones; Judee Strott; anonymous; Janie Garvey; Debby
Peare; Leah Bishop; Jim Carroll; Rick Maddy; Bobbie McLean; Christina Sharik ("ArmyMom");
Ray Waldbrunn; Gary Canant, Jim Baggett; Diana E. Anderson, RN; TSgt. Kurt Melander;
Allison (Larkin) Shiding; Douglas Gorski; anonymous; Bernard Austin Gudeahn; E. Jonathan
Holmes; Walt Cronin; Skip "Doc" Dempsey; Charles "Chick" Sheehan; Charles "Chuck" Rebhorn;
Jeffery L. Turk Sr.; Steven L. Stickley; Andrew Alday; Dave Bruman; Bill Garbett; and Michael
Mike Rummel remembers his high school friend PFC Woodrow "Woody" Charles Cronkrite.
Woody was killed on 10 September, 1967, at Con Thien.
Veteran Richard Sweet's tribute to two of his fallen friends. This gallery also includes
two of his poems "Glory Bound" and "Words of Wisdom."
A gallery of Vietnam-era poetry by Carl Michael "Tiny" Readinger. "Tiny" served in the
Marine Corps with the Combined Action Platoon (CAP) program.
Vietnam Veteran Dennis E. Wood's 58,183 mile walk across the U.S. and Canada is described
in this beautiful tribute written by Lisa Singh.
Support, kindness, and good wishes during the War and after.
By Michael "Mikey" Dingwell
By William Caughey
Ed served as a platoon leader with the U.S. Army in Vietnam during 1967 and 1968.
Citations of U.S. Military Personnel who were awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in
This Page was compiled by Veteran Neil Mishalov and contains all 242 citations.
A gallery dedicated to the resolute members of the Joint Task Force-Full
Accounting (JTF-FA) who comb the battlefields and jungles of Vietnam
looking for the remains of our comrades whose bodies were not
A Memorial Gallery dedicated to stories, photos, and information on POWs/MIAs
Marc Gilbert and James Wells collaborated on this very interesting look at the war.
James's father, Jack, served in Vietnam during the war as a counter-insurgency
specialist; and the story is written through Jack's eyes. Marc Gilbert has
been a student of counter-insurgency policy since 1966.
If you liked "Chickenhawk," you'll love these stories!
The war as seen through an Army helicopter pilot's eyes. Excerpts from the (unpublished)
book, "Talons of Fire," written by Veterans Mike Austin and his collaborator, Don
"Deadline" Dunnington.
Be sure to read "Closure: A Vietnam Story" in this Gallery.
Mike Austin's moving and emotional story of his return to Vietnam in search of
information on his missing crewmates and the astonishing ending! This story is a fitting
tribute to the bravery of the pilots and crewmen who served during those last few
months following the U.S. ground troop withdrawal and to the bond and commitment they still
Robert Edison served as a DOD Intelligence Analyst in Vietnam. This gallery contains
stories, pictures, and briefing maps (soon) detailing his experiences and observations
Come on into the tent and meet "Top" Bill Shultz. Pull up a footlocker, grab a cold one,
and listen to the Top's great poems about Vietnam and his memories of the soldiers he served
A work of fiction by Tim Trask.
Tim Trask introduces us to Novicki. Tim served in Vietnam with the U.S. Army between 1966
and 1969.
By David C. Perkins
Dave crafted this remembrance of several of his fellow Marines in Vietnam as "fiction based
on fact."
Robert "JungleVet" Baird's Gallery containing his poignant poems "That We Exist" and
others. JungleVet also has poems written in tribute to Lewis B. Puller Jr. ("Finally") and to
the Nurses in Nam ("She Was There For Us").
A story and a poem by Dennis Quinn.
Dennis served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam.
A Tribute to The Delta Raiders of Vietnam (D Co. 2/501st, 101st Airborne.) by Douglas
E. "Manny" Fisher.
Poems by I.S. Parrish.
MSG (Ret) Parrish served with the 69th Sig BN, in and around Saigon 1966-67.
Contributions by Bruce Jackson and Jim Compton.
Writings and pictures honoring Veterans of another War.
An illustrated gallery of poems and stories written by James M. Hopkins, 1st and 9th Inf.
Divs., RVN, 1969-70.
Gene Csuti recalls a message that grunts remember all too well. Gene was a member of Golf
Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines.
Gene's second story reveals some of the secrets of Marble Mountain.
Written in R.V.N 1965. A Gallery of poems and stories written by William B. "Willie Woo"
Worcester. Willie Woo served in Vietnam during the period 1965 - 1968. He was a Marine
Infantryman with C Co, 1st Bn, 3rd Marines.
Stories on grunt life in Vietnam by Michael Rodriguez. Michael served
with the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Marine Regiment.
A Veteran's wife tries to understand her husband's ghosts. By Carolyn Mills.
Melanie Brown honors her father, SSG Earl Frederick Brown, U.S. Army Special Forces, killed
in action 1966.
A collection of Palmer Hall's poems about the Vietnam War and the people it affected.
This gallery is for and about the women who served in Vietnam, in military and civilian
Contributors include Robert Baird (U.S. Marine Corps), Cathleen Cordova
(Army Special Services), Jean Youngstrom Diebolt (USAF Nurse), Jeanie
Hasenbeck (ARC), Ann Kelsey (Army Special Services), Karen Offutt, (U.S. Army), "Top" Shultz,
Nancy Smoyer ("Donut Dollie"), and others.
Lt. Col. Bill Rockey's "Letter of Appreciation" to the Marines and Navymen who served
with him in 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines.
Ulf R. Heller's outstanding chronicles of his tour in Vietnam are presented here.
Ulf mixes a true writing ability with humor and passion. Veterans and non-Vets will relate to
many of his experiences.
Vietnam Veteran Pete Childress tells how the war became a personal "hell" for him.
Sally Griffis writes of her visit to The Wall with her two daughters, Mitty and
A story by Teri Bechard written following her visit to The Moving Wall.
Doug Maston's moving tribute to his friend, Sergeant Earcel Williams, USAF.
Vietnam Veteran Mike Meyer recalls the incident that was the turning point of his
life as a combat soldier.
A Collection of writings and pictures by Steve Nirk. Steve spent most of
his tour with the Army in the Phu Bai area of I Corps.
Stories of Scout Dogs in Vietnam featuring Tom "Dog Handler" Sykes and "Royal," and Herb
Mullican Jr's outstanding bibliography on Police and Military Working Dogs.
Stories, Maps, and Pictures from some of Vietnam's most infamous terrain.
Contributions by Warren Murray, Mike McCombs, Bill McBride, Robert "C4Bob" Hackney, Dennis
Reilly, Dave Demsey, and others.
Stories of life in the 'Nam and the "World" by Stephen "Rags" Ragle. This gallery also
contains some related pictures.
Stories and poems of Christmases spent in Vietnam contributed by Vietnam Veterans and their
families and friends.
Originally compiled for Christmas 1994 by Mary Garvey, new features and links were
added for Christmas 1996 and will continue to grow as material comes in for each future
Holiday Season. Please check back.
Deanna Gail Shlee Hopkins dedicates this Gallery and her work to All Warriors
Everywhere ... past, present, and future ... who serve their countries and go to lands
where they've never been to fight for the rights and freedoms of people they've never met.
"Thank you all for giving us our wonderful freedoms and the way of life that we enjoy
today. To each and every one of you, WELCOME HOME!"
Deanna (aka "ED")
Valerie Schumacher's moving tribute to the mothers of two Vietnam Veterans.
Suzanne Braun remembers her fallen brother.
Views of Vietnam Past through the eyes of infantryman Joe Conte.
Images of the people, places, and things that were of significance to Veterans. Photos by
Brothers Bob and Buddy Hodgkins, and Dennis Reilly.
Paul Becker, an Infantry lieutenant during the war, recounts an operation near Hue.
The Writings of Sonny Hoffman
Stories, pictures, and memories of SF, LRRP, SOG, Recon, and other Special Operations in
The featured authors in this gallery are Brian Riley and Robert "JungleVet"
Baird, of Marine reconnaissance teams; Mike McCombs Sr. of Seattle
Washington, a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces; David
Regenthal, a former LRRP; and John "Bad-Eye" Martin, who served with the
U.S. Army Special Forces and Project Delta.
The songs of Mary Garvey.
Bill Koho was a Marine from Bend, Oregon. He was killed on March 14, 1967.
This Gallery is in Tribute to Bill from his brother, Dennis Koho.
Vietnam essays and images with a nautical twist by Rev. R. C. "Louie" Lewis, John Paul
Rossie, Ray Bruder, and Bill Wells.
Along with the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard WAS in Vietnam.
This Gallery also provides a link about the relatively unknown Mobile Riverine
Forces in Nam and other Naval activities.
A collection of stories by Michael "V-man" Viehman.
Jeff Drake recalls his first combat experience in Vietnam.
Experiences of EOD, Seabees, and Combat Engineers in Vietnam, featuring Vietnam Veterans
Robert "C4Bob" Hackney Sr., Eleazar Paredes, and Michael Howard.
Tall tales and truisms by chopper pilots and their crewmen.
Featured are pilots extraordinaire Jim "Polecat" Schueckler and Mike "Blue-Ghost-23"
Monte Olsen's observations on leadership within the units he served with in
Fighting the rats, roaches, leeches, and other critters.
Fixed wing pilots and crews tell their stories. Featuring Captain Jack Williams, USAF, and
the wit and wisdom of Lee Dixon.